Finn Simpson? Adventure Time with Homer?

Batman would be putty in their hands.
*Poison Ivy Cosplayer: Jocelyn

Peter Parker may be Spider-Man but that doesn't mean he shirks his responsibility as a photographer for the Daily Bugle.

Mordecai and Rigby hide from Benson at Comikaze.

Martha Jones hopes to run into The Doctor.

Animes Unite!

Has anybody seen a Little Sister around?

The Joker and The Penguin are teaming up.
*Joker Cosplayer: Anthony Misiano

We're pretty sure that Wonder Woman is standing next to her invisible jet.
*Cosplayer: Kit Quinn

Kitana and Sub Zero are looking for a fight.

Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg.

Nightmare vs Doctor Strange.
*Cosplayers - Jessica Merizan (Nightmare) and Holly Conrad (Doctor Strange)
Check out our interview with Jessica and Holly from the red carpet for Comic-Con Episode IV: A Fan's Hope.

Hellooooo Black Widow!
*Cosplayer: Anastasia Pierce

A couple of World of Warcraft characters.

The Siren Maya eagerly awaits for the release of Borderlands 2!
*Cosplayer: Kerby Hawke
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