Wednesday, January 18, 2012

This Week's Show - Robots and New TV Shows

On this week's show we'll review the soon to be released DVD of Hugh Jackman's Rocky/Over the Top meets Rock Em Sock Em Robots boxing movie Real Steel, and discuss some of our favorite robots, androids, and cyborgs.

We'll also take time to discuss some new and returning TV shows including the Season 2 premieres of SyFy's Face Off and Being Human and their new Canadian import Lost Girl.  Also we'll investigate Fox's new JJ Abrams island/time travel/mystery show starring Jorge Garcia, Lost Alcatraz. All this and we'll discuss the new show from the creator of Bones The Finder, and we'll train our Liger to protect our tots from the animated TV show Napoleon Dynamite. All this and much more so be sure to tune in!

Listen to Geek World, this Thursday and Friday at Noon (PST) on Indie 100, and Fridays at 6pm (PST) on The Point Radio. For all our show times CLICK HERE.