On this week's show Darkubus Rybar joins us to discuss The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug and talk about what we're all looking forward to in 2014. Plus we interview Andy Nakatani, Editor in Chief of Weekly Shonen Jump, about the most popular Shonen Jump characters, what's coming in 2014, and much more!
We also talk about what's going on in geek news!
All this and much more so tune in Geek World this Thursday and Friday at Noon (PST) on Indie 100, with replays throughout the week on The Point. Plus we're on the UK internet station Shellies every Wednesday. And welcome to our new listeners on El Ave Radio.
Don't forget to go to YouTube.com/GeekWorldRadio to see all of the latest videos we've posted and shared, and be sure to SUBSCRIBE!