Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Ain't No Party Like a '300, The Cat Version' Party

Hi, my name is AnnaMay and I'm a cute-a-holic!

Every single day I visit Cute Overload, often multiple times throughout the day. I can't tell you how many time's I've looked at the kitten in a frog hat, ya know if I had my way I would totally go so far as to tatoo that picture over my boyfriends face. I mean he's pretty darn cute but he's no kitten in a froggy hat. Ahh the elusive kitten-frog, as long as you exist on the internet I don't know if I can ever make it through this recovery process!

Anyway, you may have seen this link elsewhere but this is the cat version of the 300 trailer. Make sure you keep your volume up!

If you don't like it then you are so not cool in my book. You will respect my cute-thority!


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